47 Israeli Companies Taking Part in HK Fair

idi-logoRamat Gan:  The Israel Diamond Institute Group of Companies (IDI) will host 47 companies this year in its diamond pavilion at the June Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair, which will take place from June 22 – 25, 2017 at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre. In addition, 6 Israeli companies will be exhibiting in other locations throughout the show.

The Israel Diamond Pavilion will be located in the diamond area in Hall 3BC. There will be a lounge adjacent to the pavilion, serving refreshments throughout the day. Moreover the lounge will feature dedicated Get Diamonds stations, which allow a search in English and in Chinese of all Israeli exhibitors’ goods offered at the show. The popular database is also accessible on smartphones.

In addition, IDI will launch a special website for the Hong Kong June show with full details of all the Israeli companies participating in the show, including background and contact information, as well as a map of the Israel Diamond Pavilion. The site will go live on June 21, 2017.

Asia is Israel’s second largest market for polished diamonds representing about 30% of total polished diamond exports, with the greatest share going to Hong Kong. Israel is also a major supplier of polished diamonds to China, India, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan and other Asian markets.

IDI Chairman Shmuel Schnitzer said, “We are optimistic about Asia as we have been seeing a definite rise in demand for diamond jewellery in these markets, especially in China. We believe that the long-term prospects for Asia as a market for polished diamonds from Israel are excellent and it remains a key target for our industry.”

IDI now organizes large national diamond pavilions at four trade shows in Hong Kong annually — in March, June, September and November. It has also invested great efforts at making Israeli diamantaires accessible to buyers, for example by offering the Get Diamond search feature in Chinese. Moreover, IDI’s office in Hong Kong has been instrumental in furthering business between the two countries and IDI’s Chinese-language diamond portal site, the only one of any diamond center, enables direct contacts between the Israeli industry and the region.
