Mumbai: The 10th edition of Signature IIJS and the 4th edition of IGJME concluded here with a success-note. There were ample signs that the Indian gems and jewellery industry had received a shot in the arm heralding that relatively better days lie ahead. Over the last year, the industry has faced multiple challenges be it in the form of continued global uncertainties or policy changes that have affected the way the domestic trade goes about its business.
In such a scenario, most exhibitors had come to the show with cautious expectations, but were returning generally satisfied with the overall result
IIDGR’s melee testing service and the screening machines for melee diamonds (a variant can also be used for certain types of diamond jewellery) to separate confirmed natural diamonds from others that have to be submitted for advanced testing, is increasingly popular, Sanger said.
He also stated that there has been a lot of interest in IIDGR’s recently introduced educational programme.
Saunak Parikh, Convener of GJEPC’s Exhibition-National Committee, said that from the feedback the Council had received it appeared that the show went off very well despite all the challenges that it faced. “The mood among both the visitors and the exhibitors was very positive and the business was very good. Across product segments it seems that all are happy with the results of the show.”
Responding to one of the commonly voiced concerns of many exhibitors, Parikh said that the Council had almost finalised the schedule for next year’s show and it will almost surely have a weekend as well!